Saturday, July 14, 2012

Where Are The Nightcrawlers?

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  1. I live in Fresno and am very familiar with the first video. I'm not so sure on the second video. I tried contacting the individual who posted it on multiple occasions and never received a response. I'm a local paranormal investigator/folklorist and SyFy contacted me about the second video to see if I knew who did it. Even they couldn't contact the person who it originated from. You'd think that if a TV show is trying to get a hold of you, that the person would reply. I think it's a hoax, just my gut feeling. But the figures are completely different in their movement then in the first one.

  2. Michael, I also have a lot of doubts about the second video. The fact that no one has been able to get in touch with the person who produced it does make it a bit more suspicious.

    There are some other Nightcrawler cases though and the creatures are intriguing. I'm currently focused on attempting to locate these statues as they may offer some interesting clues.

    Thanks for reading.

  3. Ask Jim Hensons' crew to duplicate it.

  4. Notice that the shadow of the walker is several times as long as the height of the subject, but that the shadow of the rock on the right is about as long as the rock. I'll suggest that the "walker" is a person wearing light pants and a dark top, and that the only thing we're seeing against the dark background is the pants, but the entire height of the person is what's casting the very long shadow.

    1. although that is a good theory the supposed white pants are approximately four feet tall so the person would be quite tall around eight to nine feet tall. I am an astronomer, astrophisicist, and ufologist, but although I don't believe it to be alien-like I believe it's paranormal from native american legend.

  5. Yes, I've noticed that Michael. Light and shadow are tricky things, especially in this type of setting. The theory you suggest is a good one, but it has been attempted as a way to replicate the nightcrawlers with no success.
    Additionally, the height of the figure has been proven to be rather small, like a child.

  6. I read something about these things a couple of years ago. Some guy reckons that he sees these things often and I think he referred to them as earth fairies. He said that he could talk with them and they were friendly. I remember that he said that they did not have a basic form like other creatures, they had lots of forms. He had made a drawing of these things and they were all different. I remember seeing this particular shape as well as others in his drawing. Some had several arms and others had one leg. This two legged creature with a head and no body or arms, stuck in my memory more than the others. He said that they are invisible unless they want you to see them. I thought he was full of bull untill I saw this film.

  7. Hey mick what exactlly did u read. Id be interested In reading it!

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  9. I have seen them many times in the hills between fresno and san jose

  10. I can't say for sure and I don't know what all hoax methods have been tested, but here are my theories on the subject.

    In the Yosemite video I believe it is (the one where it is two figures walking to the side)...At the end of the video the taller figure looks kind of like the torso and legs of a person, and with its kind of ethereal or see through look. It made me think that it could possibly be someone using the Pepper's Ghost effect where you are actually seeing the reflection of someone with blackened out arms and head, while wearing white pants and at least a partially white shirt and you are seeing their reflection in glass. It is a common effect in many ghost movies.

    The Fresno video I think it is (with the thing walking toward to camera) a previous commenter has stated, it appears as though the shadow is taller than the figure while other shadows in the video are appropriate sized...which lead me to theorize that it is someone on a green screen set, wearing white pants and the rest of their body is green so it does not show up on camera, and then the effect was over layed onto a pre-existing video...

    I'm no expert...but those are my guesses.

  11. How do you photo shop a VHS tape ? CANNOT BE DONE..that is my opinion..

  12. Hey David. Thank you for your blog. It was the second half of my team who was on this case for Fact or Faked so I didn't interview the owner of the original video. It was their opinion however that he was being truthful. In fact, he never wanted to come forward with the case to draw attention to himself because he's not a legal resident. To answer the questions of some of your posters, the video was not filmed on VHS. It was captured on his DVR. Many DVR systems (usually Chinese) have a very proprietary software program which makes it very difficult to download or export from the machine. He filmed the video from the monitor because he couldn't export it and he was worried it would be deleted. I've seen quite a few cases where people have done the same thing because they can't find the codec to read the file. This makes it all the more intriguing. While I find that the second video was most likely CGI, the first video filmed in the yard in Fresno would be very difficult to fake as CGI. The home owner would have had to be in on it and he's an unlikely hoaxer. No obvious motive, didn't want the attention, he's not tech savvy to our knowledge, and anyone hoaxing him would have had to upload a CGI video onto his DVR system. Also very unlikely.

    I've been looking for those statues for a while now. I'd love to learn if they were anywhere nearby. This was one of our favorite cases by far. -Ben Hansen

    1. Hey Ben, thanks for taking the time to comment here, I appreciate it. Sorry we didn't get time to chat at UFO Congress this year.
      Yes, I'm aware of the recording originally being from a DVR system and video taped from that. I agree, it makes the case all the more intriguing.
      Nice to hear your input on the owner and the unlikely possibility of a hoax. It reflects what Bill Murphy has related to me in personal conversations.

      Curiously, I have a recent lead on the location of the statues and should be able to follow up on it this spring.

      This is a fascinating case and I've searched for those statues since I first learned about the incident. Hopefully, this one pans out.


  13. This youtube video came up after doing a quick Google image search...

  14. So I saw one of these things in Ontario, Canada. Can anyone tell me maybe why I would see one so far from where all of the cases are from? I am 1/16th Cherokee from my dad's side but I've yet to see a specific mention about which tribe the stories originate from. And I'm pretty sure Cherokee occupied the opposite side of the country. It was really late at night, and my car headlights basically reflected off of it, I stopped my car and got out cause my rational side was telling me it was a lost dog. At this point it had run up a hill beside the road and was standing under a tree and I stared at it trying to make out any other shape to it to suggest it was a dog or even a person and I couldn't. Just the white shape from the video. Longer I stared at it I got this awful feeling and my instincts started screaming at me to get back in my car and drive away.

  15. So I tried to comment this but I'm not sure if it went through so I'm trying again. I saw one of these in Ontario, Canada and am very confused as to why. So far from where all the footage is coming from. I am 1/16th Cherokee but I'm pretty sure Cherokee were on the opposite side of the country. It was very late at night and my car headlights were basically reflecting off of it. I pulled over because the rational side of me was telling me it's just a lost dog. At this point it had run to the top of a hill beside the road and was standing under a tree. I got a little closer and stood at the base of the hill and was just staring at it trying to make out more of a shape to suggest it was a dog, or maybe a person, and even called out to it but all I could see was the shape from the video. The longer I stared at it the more unsettled I felt and my instincts started screaming at me to get back in my car and drive away. Just happened a week and a half ago.

    1. That sure is creepy, what were the weather conditions like? Did you hear any sounds or did everything go deathly quiet like crickets and birds? Any weird smell in the air? Sudden moisture or dampness? Any "Lost" signs in the area? That would be super creepy if there were.

  16. I se this creacer years ago in thailand,first one after fue moments was one more
    They ben hig it was far 200-300 m but i can clerly say they ben high almost like palm tree size
    I didn have anplasen feedback am spiritual person and i can say that
    They ben releksed and as kids on the park playground))
    very plesent expiriance,and am happy to have this ekspiriance

  17. Saint martini b.Chieftain sleepinhorse.they are a Indigenous Native American Tribe.But,not Cherokee.I am a Half Breed Cherokee.The Cherokee Tribe was mostly a East Coast Tribe.I Heard The Tribes Name on The SYFY show Fact or Fake.But Can't Remember the Name.Let me take Guess before I watch that Episode again.Nogga Tribe?

  18. although a lot of work has been put into hoaxes before, as others have said, it would be extremely difficult, and people have tried to reproduce it. I have a theory. We should just except these things for who they are: Native American legends. I do not believe in ghosts or anything like that, but after showing my friend these videos (a professional videographer), he could not figure out how they would have been computer-generated.
